Vision of the company

Consolidation which is under way in the forging industry has flowed into lack of high quality and affordable solutions for producers of the original OEM facilities. That is why they are forced to choose between two options: to co-ordinate the series of small producers, or to accept the intransigent offers from the giants of the forging industry. The first option is not effective, the second is not advantageous. The CPF company removes this dilemma. It offers all sizes of OEM producers its forging services in a form which is friendly and receptive for the customer.

CPF is distinguished from its competition by three main characteristics:

Range of production technologies

In its premises (29 000 m2) CPF makes closed-die forgings and also open- forgings, from steel and non-ferrous metals, including heat treatment and machining. Thanks to experience and certifications, CPF provides its forgings to all kinds of machinery industry.

Flexibility in customer service

Thanks to interaction between single departments, the individual and independent decision making, and language availability, CPF can quickly and flexibly react to customers and suppliers demands.

Independence in strategic decision making

Thanks to 100% management form of ownership, CPF is capable of accepting quick decisions in relation to customers, and accept obligations related to production capacities, special procedures, and investment.

